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Table 2 Hand hygiene interview framework

From: Barriers to hand hygiene in ophthalmic outpatients in Uganda: a mixed methods approach


Example questions


Have you been trained on how to wash your hands?

If yes—when was the training? How long was the training? What did you learn on the training? Who provided the training?


Do you think that hand washing is important? Why/Why not?

If you do not wash your hands, does it cause any problems?

Why do you wash your hands at all?


How should you wash your hands?

How often should you wash them?

Hospital facilities

Can you wash your hands as often as you would like in this hospital? If no—why not?

Do you have everything you need to wash your hands here? If no—what is missing?


What stops you washing your hands more often?

What would make it easier for you to wash your hands?

What could the hospital do to make it easier for you to wash your hands more effectively/frequently?