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Figure 1 | Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection

Figure 1

From: Idiopathic retinal vasculitis, arteriolar macroaneurysms and neuroretinitis: clinical course and treatment

Figure 1

Arteriovenous phase fluorescein angiogram of retinal arterioles. (A) Arteriovenous phase fluorescein angiogram (FA) showing multiple aneurysmal dilatations along the upper and lower temporal retinal arterioles (white arrow heads) as well as the abrupt obstruction of the lower temporal arterial branch (black arrow). (B) FA at 2.5 min demonstrating multiple aneurysms along bifurcations of retinal arcades (black arrow heads) and vasculitis along the lower temporal arterial arcade (white arrows). (C, D) Wide FA displaying retinal ischemia in less than two quadrants (area between the white arrows) and a hot disc. (E) Indocyanine green angiogram (ICG) illustrating multiple aneurysmal dilatations along the upper and lower temporal retinal arterioles and the abrupt obstruction of the lower temporal arterial branch (black arrow). (F, G) Late phase FA and mid-phase ICG 12 months post-treatment demonstrating the area of grid laser photocoagulation (white arrows), and the obstruction of the arterial branch peripheral to the focal laser (black arrow) with cessation of leakage. (H) Wide FA 36 months post-treatment showing no progression of retinal ischemia to more than two quadrants. (I) OCT pre-treatment showing intraretinal (white arrow) and subretinal fluid (white arrowhead). (K) OCT post-treatment demonstrating resolution of macular oedema.

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