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Table 2 Characteristics of presentation for the 28 patients with BAE

From: Clinical analysis of infectious endophthalmitis following glaucoma filtration surgery



Interval between glaucoma surgery and onset of BAE

 Mean ± SD, y

9.8 ± 5.4


2 months–20 years

Presenting complaints, n (%)


25 (86.2%)

 Reduction of vision

23 (82.1%)

 Ocular pain

20 (71.4%)

 Increased eye secretion

5 (17.9%)

 Increased lacrimation

5 (17.9%)

 Foreign body sensation

1 (3.6%)

Slit lamp examination findings, n (%)

 Conjunctival congestion

28 (100%)

 Corneal edema

25 (86.2%)


20 (71.4%)

 Bleb leak

9 (32.2%)

 Avascular bleb

5 (17.9%)

 Pus in bleb

13 (46.8%)

 Thin bleb

12 (42.9%)

 Non-visible fundus

28 (100%)

Interval between onset of symptoms and treatment

 Mean ± SD, d

5.0 ± 7.18


10 h–30 days

  1. BAE Bleb-associated endophthalmitis